Shriner’s Childern’s Ohio
Shriners Children’s Ohio — is one of only four freestanding hospitals in the country dedicated to the treatment of pediatric burns and specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery. They deliver expert and life changing care to children and families who suffer from these conditions. This treatment is provided regardless of the familiy’s ability to pay for medical care.
Learn More: https://www.shrinerschildrens.org/en/locations/ohio

The Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (DDBP) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center serves children from infancy to young adulthood with programs for specific developmental needs including Autism Spectrum Disorders and Down Syndrome. DDBP includes the Rubinstein Library at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, where families can find extensive health-related information on developmental and behavioral issues in addition to educational toys and software.
Learn More: www.cincinnatichildrens.org

Pressley Ridge fosters success for children and their families. Pressley Ridge’s innovative programming helps to rebuild communities and families who are facing difficult challenges and complex situations. From mental health and foster care services to residential treatment facilities and education for children with special needs, Pressley Ridge empowers children and families each year with the ability and confidence to succeed.
Learn More: www.pressleyridge.org/

The mission of CancerFree KIDS is to eradicate cancer as a life-threatening disease in children by funding innovative research that has the promise of gentler treatments and cures for children with cancer. Seed money for novel ideas is critical, and yet it is the most difficult type of funding to get. Potentially game-changing ideas often go untried due to lack of funding. Since its start, CancerFree KIDS has funded 97 research projects totaling nearly $3 million.
Learn More: http://cancerfreekids.org/

Families with ASD was founded by a Cincinnati couple who haves a son with autism. They offer free support for families touched by autism including an annual Autism Expo offering resources from dozens of service organizations. They also offer free or reduced cost “Out & About with Autism” family friendly events including trips to the planetarium, bowling, and the Newport Aquarium.
Learn More: www.familieswithasd.org

The Dragonfly Foundation provides comfort and joy to kids and young adults enduring cancer and bone marrow transplants. Dragonflies range in age from birth to age 30. They (and their immediate family) are Dragonflies from their date of diagnosis until they are 5-years past treatment. Dragonfly has been credited with helping “change the paradigm of patient care” at one of the country’s best pediatric cancer hospitals.
Learn More: www.dragonfly.org